Hello Everyone
Jake, Jesse and Greg here. We would like to welcome you to the 1st edition of APPtitune!!!! The Sport of Archery is all of our passions and we want to share not only the information we have learned, But also some of the tips we personally use. Everybody has a little different form, type of shot or tune/set-up preference. There is no magic pill or universal fix and we are not telling you what is best for you. We are providing the information you need to find what works best for YOU while also giving you tips on what works for us. We have formatted the APPtitune to be easily navigated in addition to having visual aids to assist in the process. This is just the beginning for APPtitune! We are currently working through the translation process for the additional 4 language options. We plan on covering many other topics and issues in future editions so stay tuned.
APPtitune is brought to you exclusively by Lancaster Archery Supply and these other awesome sponsor's!!!
Hoyt Archery: Maker of the World's Best Bows
Hoyt Archery: Target
Easton Archery
Easton Archery Target
AXCEL Archery Sights
Doinker, "world's #1 stabilizer"
Viscosity Bow Strings
Feather Vision
Leupold Optics
Without these great sponsors APPtitune would still only be a dream!
Contact APPtitune with any questions, comments or for sponsorship opportunities at apptitune@gmail.com
Thank you and enjoy!
Jake, Jesse & Greg
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